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Art In Need is Art Indeed

The artists associating with the NGO, Petals Globe Foundation had conducted a campaign titled ART IN NEED IS ART INDEED to initiate and augment the CMDRF fund mobilization by creating awareness and inspiring people to donate. The artists led a FACEBOOK campaign and another live event was held at Thiruvananthapuram Style Plus Store.

It only took two minutes for the artists to draw caricatures of the visitors who flocked in at the Style Plus shopping complex in Kowdiar where the ‘Art in need is art indeed’ event was held.

The initiative was launched by Petals Globe, an NGO in association with Cartoon Club of Kerala and Style Plus to create awareness and initiate the mobilisation of funds for the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF). People of different age groups enthusiastically attended the event and got their caricatures done after contributing or committing to contribute to CMDRF. Artists - Cartoonman Badusha, Hassan Kottaparambil, Shanavas Mudickal - and Petals Globe Co- ordinators Sanu Sathyan, Jiju Thomas and Jithesh Damodar were the team behind this well noted event . “Physically strong people will be part of the rescue efforts; those who have musical talent will sing songs. Similarly, these artists contribute through their drawings,” Jiju Thomas and Sanu Sathyan jointly stated.