PETALS GLOBE is committed to drive changes for the children and the young minds, in tandem with the objectives set by the Governments, UNICEF and other Non-Governmental Organisations with similar objectives.
PETALS GLOBE works to help the young minds fulfill their potential from early childhood through adolescence and to defend their rights. Every child has the right to grow up in a safe and inclusive environment.
Petals Globe conceptualise and organize various programs for the intellectual and personal skill development of an young mind through various streams of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math and Soft skill programmes with special focus on Multiple Intelligence Development.
Petals Globe Foundation also works to fight against the evil practices that affect the growth and sustainability of children and students in general. We work to create a better and safer place for each child and build an armour against all kind of abuses, evil practices and wrong treatments against the children.
Petals Globe Foundation do recognize and honour the organizations and individuals who inspire and work for the holistic development of children.
PETALS GLOBE initiative for
UNICEF states, "Early childhood development For every child, early moments matter ”.
The solution suggested by UNICEF to achieve this is : Fast-growing brains need family-friendly policies and environments to keep them going.
Every time, a parent speaks to a young child, it sparks something in the child; it’s stimulation to the child. It forms brain connections : Dr.Pia Rebello Britto, Neuroscientist, UNICEF senior advisor on ECD.
We must act urgently to make investing in early childhood development a priority in every country to achieve the 2030 goals.
Investing in early childhood development is a cost-effective way to boost shared prosperity, promote inclusive economic growth, expand equal opportunity, and end extreme poverty. For every $1 spent on early childhood development, the return on investment can be as high as $13.
But, parents need time and support to create a loving and safe environment to give their babies the ‘eat, play and love’ they need, and to help build their babies’ brains. International organisations like UNICEF is working to increase investment in family-friendly policies, including paid parental leave and access to quality, affordable childcare; it makes good sense for governments because it helps economies and businesses, as well as parents and children.
Investing in family-friendly policies makes good sense for businesses too; giving parents flexibility creates a happier and more productive workforce, and allows them more time to build the brains of the future.
Apart from these, the Quality of Teaching in Early
Childhood Development to be enhanced. The teachers should realise the value and potential of the Child sitting in front of them, as the major chunk of brain development happens in the early years of childhood. The Early Education Teacher should identify and recognise themselves as part of the noble profession who build the strong foundation pillars of the nation or the whole world.
And the Multiple Intelligence Development of children would be taken care of with utmost commitment and every teacher should undergo training for the same as well. Petals Globe Foundation is in the practice of conducting such trainings for Teachers. We conduct Multiple Intelligence Development focused sessions for children as well.
The time to act is now; together, we can make the #EarlyMomentsMatter for every child.