Our History
Kite Fair and Magic Show at Ajman

Sky is the limit ! The Kite Fair at Ajman was a thrilling and innovative experience for the children and the accompanied - parents and teachers. There were kite making sessions and best ones were rewarded. A panel of judges were present to evaluate the process and choose the best ones. But, beyond the contest, everyone who participated there has enjoyed with their creative involvement. It was a nostalgic experience for the seniors present during the Kite Fair. Fine Fair Group has sponsored the event, provided kite making materials, refreshments and given prizes as well.

Noted craft trainer Ibrahim Badusha, Kite Making Expert Paraz,Haris,Salim Noor, Semeer, Saleesh and the staff of Fine Fair and Petals Globe Volunteers supported the event and made it a grand success.

Waleed Yacoubi, world famous magician and kids expert added colour to the show with his magic show, laser show and other hilarious items which made the children so happy and relaxed. KITE FAIR and WALEED's Magic Show was ultimate Fun N Learn for the children.