Our History
T-Shirt Charity

Charity is a never ending process and it's a privilege for the giver. To inculcate the care and share feeling among children in the very beginning, Petals Globe Foundation has devised a programme tilted T Shirt Chartiy Programme - Give your old T Shirt and Get a New One. The school children from India and UAE contributed whole heartedly to this initiative. Every one brought clean and ironed clothes neatly packed for their fellow beings across the globe. The school managements in both the countries volunteered this initiative. Fine Fair Group has extended the greatness of issuing a Free T Shirt Voucher through which the donators of good old T Shirts can get a new T Shirt. In every school, the T Shirt collection programme was conducted during the assembly and respective school Principals delivered talk on the noble cause and inculcated the care and share feeling. Many voluntary agencies supported this initiative by collecting the old T shirts and sending it to the right and needy children. More than fourty thousand clothes were collected and send to many children as part of this initiative. The givers, the children realised that even their old or un size T shirts / trousers / shirts / shorts / skirts etc. can create a smile on a child who is staying in another state / region or just close by. To inculcate this feeling was the major objective of the programme.